White Paper: Reliable Wind Sensing in WASP applications
Finocean has contributed considerably to the development of a…

The Positive Impact of WASP in the CII score
An eye-opening paper was presented in the Royal Institute of…

FINOCEAN becomes Associate Member of INTERCARGO
During 14th of February 2023, FINOCEAN has been accepted…

The Wind Alliance: Changing the Game
There starts to be now a better clarity on how to cope with the…

A 3 years programme of exhaust gas scrubber retrofits under successful completion
Our Purpose in the shipping industry is to Empower Efficiency,…

FINOCEAN joins the Finnish Association of Naval Architects (LARADI)
We are proud to become member of such a prestigious Finnish naval…

Finocean joins forces with BlueWASP
When it comes to studying applications of wind assisted ship…

Finocean becomes member of the Zero Emission Ship Technology Association
During April 2018, the International Maritime Organization…