A 3 years programme of exhaust gas scrubber retrofits under successful completion
Our Purpose in the shipping industry is to Empower Efficiency, not only for ship Owners, Designers, Shipyards and other stakeholders, but also for Technology Providers.
Since early 2017 in Finocean we have been receiving the continuous requests from our Ship Owner clients to support them in Scrubber retrofit appraisals and benchmarking for their Investment decisions, since our over 20 years of experience in Marine Technology, Ship systems and Ship technical adaptation for commercial materialization is the Core of our competence.
During 2018-2020 we also worked closely with Industry Partners and Technology Providers to accelerate their market placement, to identify and project their strongest value proposition, and to deliver it inservice of the end-users, as a both beneficial experience and safeguardedheritage,especially when the regulatory requirements of IMO 2020posed the strict necessity for any such scrubber system to be fully functional and reliable.
With Langh Tech in Finland we worked through these years together aggregately to develop close to 30 ship scrubber retrofits, including newbuildings in Asia, and all of them were proudly delivered fully workable with no engineering, no operational issues or deficiencies.
In Finocean we are careful to select Prime partners to support, those who have inherent engineering excellence, a value to propose, a way to differentiate, flexibility for enhancing customer care, but above all, an end product which will stand-up to the highest expectations and strongest promises.
We are still in course to deliver the remaining ship series ordered, and the experience we gathered so far was appreciation, recognition for the effort and a happy customer smile.
Every Investment in an environmental or energy efficient technology will become – from now on – a big challenge for all ship owners, since they are called to conform and adapt to dramatic regulatory and operational changes that will happen through 2023 down to a long 2050 path.
Our experience in Finocean has shown that there are always Technology providers and Innovators in the broader market with smart ideas, services and products, but with unawareness of the shipping industry peculiarities, obstacles, cultural traits and decision-making characteristics.
Finocean is always available to support business acceleration, reference building and reliable orderbook expansion, so that positive Market Reputation is established First.
When Credentials are delivered appropriately, prudently and consistently, then scaling comes for them through multiple channels, as their good reputation expands.
In Finocean we believe in Empowering the Reputation of worthy Technology Partners.